STRENGTHENING RURAL ASTURIAS: Key Proposals for Ruralizing the legislation through the associative network
The Rafael del Riego Chair of Good Governance and the CIADIG Project are taking part in the 8th Academic days on Open Government & Digital Issues, to be held at the Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France, on 7 and 8 November.
The Rafael del Riego Chair of Good Governance and the CIADIG Project, in collaboration with the European project “Artificial Intelligence for Artificial Justice”, the Università LUM and the Camera Amministrativa distrettuale degli avvocati di Bari, are organising the International Meeting I NUOVI PERCORSI DELL’AMMINISTRAZIONE DIGITALE.…
The Rafael del Riego Chair of Good Governance participates in the Chairs Conference organised by the Cybercamp.
Jornada Inteligencia Artificial: Grandes Retos. Conferencia por el Dr. Ramón López de Mántaras, Profesor Investigador del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y Fundador y ex Director del Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial del CSIC. Mesa Redonda: Inteligencia Artificial, ética, trabajo y administración.