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Mission Rafael del Riego Chair"

The Rafael del Riego Chair aims to promote good governance, encompassing not only open government but also other manifestations, with a focus on good administration and regulatory improvement.

In addition to the four fundamental pillars traditionally associated with these areas (public ethics, transparency, participation, and accountability), the Chair will explore issues such as effectiveness and efficiency, public innovation, decision-making improvement, and, ultimately, the new relationship between institutions and citizens, leading to the renewal of citizenship itself. Institutions, viewed broadly, will encompass both the Government and the Administration, intricately linked.

Concerning the specific objectives of the Chair, they focus on three general areas: the study, reflection, knowledge, and research on the indicated topics; the dissemination, awareness, and promotion of these subjects; and, finally, education in these matters.
To achieve this, the Chair aims to develop activities aimed at fulfilling this triple objective. Firstly, the conducting of studies on essential issues in various areas related to good governance—in the broad sense mentioned earlier—and their dissemination through publications, and the organization of seminars, events, workshops, conferences, etc. Secondly, the valorization of this knowledge as a means of raising awareness among the citizens, contributing to a culture of change crucial for the establishment of a new relationship between citizens and public authorities. And, finally, a commitment to education grounded in two spheres: the academic sphere (awarding prizes for the best Bachelor’s and Master’s theses on the subject…) and that of public servants, who are at the forefront of this paradigm shift. To achieve all this, there is a team of national and international experts in good governance, both in theory and practice.